AquiPor Aggregate LIVE Q&A

On Tuesday, February 4th AquiPor is having a live presentation and Q&A about our new AquiFlow aggregate product.


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On Tuesday, February 4th AquiPor is having a live presentation and Q&A about our new AquiFlow aggregate product.

In the past we were trying to develop our porous concrete technology as a standalone precast product - requiring new industry standards and manufacturing processes. We found that our pure product interacts very well with the materials in normal concrete.

So in July we began testing our technology as an engineered aggregate / additive that goes into normal concrete mixes for both precast and cast-in-place concrete. We were successful.

Through in-house validation and testing, we’ve shown that our technology - when crushed and sized as a lightweight aggregate - turns traditional concrete into high-performance permeable concrete, capable of infiltrating high rates of stormwater. In certain proportions it also improves the compressive strength of concrete, and improves its durability in the presence of rapid freeze-thaw. There are also signs that our porous aggregate exhibits pozzolanic behavior in concrete (self-healing, Roman concrete properties) and we plan to conduct independent testing to verify.

So we created AquiFlow - a proprietary aggregate from AquiPor for use as an additive to concrete. Unlike other concrete ingredients, AquiFlow has some unique properties that make it a revolutionary change in concrete production. It allows concrete to act as a water filter - a porous material that can mitigate the effects of stormwater flooding and pollution, without a reduction in compressive strength.

This is huge for the industry. Concrete is the second most used substance on earth behind water, and is estimated to produce 8% of the total carbon footprint in the world. AquiFlow aggregate is a near net-zero additive, so replacing traditional ingredients with AquiFlow reduces that footprint, while simultaneously creating a porous, stronger than regular concrete and more climate resilient product.

Not only is AquiFlow all these things, it replaces other less effective concrete aggregates that are more expensive, do less, and are becoming harder to find. AquiPor’s tech will eventually reduce costs, be more eco-friendly AND help stop stormwater flooding and pollution that is only increasing as the climate changes and extreme weather continues to increase in size and scope.

This is why AquiPor Technologies is so rare in the world of material technologies. It checks off two huge needs of a multi-billion dollar industry by being eco-friendly and easily accessible and adoptable to the industry as it is right now.

So we’re going to talk about it at our next LIVE Q&A on February 4th - we have some internal testing, some numbers and data about this.

No doubt this is the biggest leap in AquiPor technology since our inception as a startup. So please join us.

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